November Blues

I don't know if I'm the only one thinking this, but isn't scary how fast this year is going? There's literally only 2 months left of this year, then its 2014! How scary is that thought? Whenever it gets to this time of year, I always like to make a little list or just a mental list in my head, ticking away stuff that I wanted to do this year and seeing if I actually did those things. I don't know, I just like setting myself goals for the year, it gives you something to strive for I think. They can be anything from as simple from 'dying my hair a new colour' to 'go on holiday with my friends.' They can literally be anything you want, that is what's fun about it! I know I really shouldn't be even saying 'yolo' but you really do only live once so you've got to make the most of it.

My definite aim for next year, that I unfortunately didn't do this year, is to go to something like V-Fest or Latitude with my friends next year. We all really wanted to do something like that this year but we all just couldn't get a date where we were all free, so we ended up leaving it. But next year it is an absolute must! I really think making memories with your friends now, will just be something so fun to look back on in years time and being like 'oh yeah, I remember that day!' 
Another thing I really want to do is get one of those cameras which take polaroid pictures, and just spend a whole day out with my friends and family, and take a million pictures. I always think about how nowadays people only take pictures on their phones, and none of us really ever think about how in the future we might not have these photos to be able to look back on because they were on our phones that we probably won't have anymore or on memory sticks that we've lost. So my aim is to get one of those cameras and just take so many photos and just make general memories with everyone.

(All of the images were from Google Images!)

You guys make goals too for the year too? If so, what are they?
Hope you've all had a fab 2013, and make the most out of our last 2 months of this year!
Thanks for reading!


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